Wednesday 13 March 2013


When it's time to quench your thirst after a long, tough workout, there are so many options out there from water to sports drinks, however new studies have shown that there is one more potential workout recovery drink to add to the list: chocolate milk. When Compared to plain milk, water, or sports drinks, it has double the carbohydrate and protein content, perfect for replenishing tired muscles. Its high water content replaces
fluids lost as sweat, preventing dehydration. Plus it packs a nutritional bonus of calcium, and includes just a little sodium and sugar; additives that help recovering athletes retain water and regain energy.

A drink like chocolate milk is most beneficial to a cyclist, swimmer, or long-distance runner. These sports stress high endurance levels and constant, sustained movement. Competing athletes need high levels of calories, carbs, and protein to sustain that level of performance. Of course we are referring to low-fat milk.

Below is a fun recipe to treat yourself;
Chocolate Milk Shake Recipe:
3 scoops vanilla ice cream
Chocolate syrup
1/2 cup of milk

In blender combine all ingredients and blend until smooth. Pour into glass and serve.


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