Tuesday, 5 February 2013


Staying focused on our goals can be very difficult especially when faced with the numerous challenges life  throws our way. The most important key to achieving successful outcomes is consistency and creating the progress, momentum, and ultimately, the successful accomplishment that we so desire. The following are ways we can employ to maintain focus, energy and optimism while pursuing our goals. 

                                                                                     Have Powerful Reasons

With a strong enough reason you will find the wherewithal to achieve your reward. Reasons in addition to belief keep you motivated. When you're excited about your goal, it does not seem like work. If you are not excited, your efforts will require more discipline and energy. Make sure it's YOUR goal. If the purpose is big enough, then the how always takes care of itself. Failure is not even a consideration.

Write Down Your Objectives

This is a critical step. “Don't think it, ink it”. When you write your goals down, they appear not only on paper, but they become indelibly written upon your consciousness.


Nothing can withstand the power of a clear, multi-sensory vision of what you intend to achieve. What does it look like? What will people be saying about it? How will you feel? The more detailed and real you can make your vision, the more powerful it will be.

Maintain a Support System

Surround yourself with people who will encourage and challenge you. Be accountable to someone other than yourself. Working on your own can be very isolating. Take the time to connect with one or two individuals with similar goals and keep each other motivated.  Read positive books and review past successes.

Focus On Only a Few Goals at a Time

You can achieve anything you desire, but probably not everything. Concentrate your efforts and your energy on just a few. You may have dozens of goals and projects, but try to keep a maximum of three key goals in the forefront of your mind. By concentrating on one or two goals at a time, you are more likely to get what you need to do done in a methodological and organized way.

Create and Celebrate Milestones!

Setting one huge goal can be daunting and a bit discouraging. By trying to break your goal up into several smaller, easily achievable goals, you can work, complete, regroup and keep going. Mark your successes and acknowledge yourself for your progress. As you achieve one goal, you can see better and believe more easily in the accomplishment of others. You deserve to succeed and you deserve to celebrate your successes!

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